New WordPress Plugin: Add to Footer

Here’s one more plugin to my ever growing arsenal.

Add to Footer is a simple plugin that allows you to automatically add text or HTML to you theme’s footer. The plugin provides you with a simple text box into which you can copy your the HTML into.

As an additional feature, Add to Footer also comes inbuilt with support for Google Analytics, StatCounter, Reinvigorate and Apture. If you use any of these services, you can fill in the relevant details in the plugins options page and the plugin will add the necessary code for the same on your blog.

These are currently, the services I use which is why I included the same into the plugin. If you are aware of any other services that you would like integrated, do let me know and I’m sure I’ll be able to program the same in.

Why use this plugin?

  • If you allow users to switch themes on your blog, then you’ll need to edit the footer of every single theme to ensure they contain the same code.
  • If you change your theme, you need to add in the code again.
  • You’re lazy like me!

Read more or download "Add to Footer"

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282

One comment

  1. Looks like a good plugin if you change themes quite a bit. Wish I had this a while back as you always seems to have to tweek it to make it look right.

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