Search results for "new year"
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[…]domain, I decided to move the location for my photos. In fact, until August last year, served as a secondary location for displaying my photos. It was powered by a script that fetched my albums from Flickr. However, I wasn’t too pleased by the script and so didn’t bother to promote the site. I decided to hunt for a new script today and came across Glickr. Glickr is an extremely easy to use, smal, but very powerful script for displaying photos from Flickr. will now serve as the primary location for display of my photos. With a […]
[…]to be of great value and I hope that Techtites will also be of the same value to you. Today with a new look, I’ve decided to tell the world about it 🙂 Do check it out, subscribe to the feed and let me know what you think about it. And if you have some hot news, you can tip me […]
[…]sidebar, pages, comments and other features that I have maintained across themes across several years. Not to forget the ads that help sustain this blog. Lastly, SexyBookmarks WordPress Plugin does deserve a major mention for it is extremely feature rich and with minimal interference allows you to share content of this blog with your friends through the most popular social networking sites. You are recommending these posts, aren’t you? I’ve also included a neat little array of buttons at the top of each post, you can quickly share our posts on Facebook and Google Plus. Until next time… do keep […]
[…]I decided to change the look of my blog to go with the Christmas Spirit 🙂 How do you like the new look of the blog? Note: In case you still see the old look, simply press [b]CTRL + F5[/b] on your keyboard. It does a clean […]
We have finally bought a new television. After researching and visiting a lot of stores, we narrowed down to Plugin, which is near my place. We purchased the Samsung CZ-21K5 (don’t ask me what this stands for) Features include: Pure Flat TV 200 Programs 300W PMPO 5 Band Graphic Equalizer Basically, it’s packed with many features. However, I have just DD1 and DDNews, i.e. no cable and so having 200 channels is kinda useless. Maybe in the distant future… I still have to connect my VCD Player to the TV so that finally I can watch my VCDs on the […]
Finally! After many many months, I have updated my site MegaThemes. A brand new look with a slightly different shade of blue. I scrapped many unused scripts like the newsletter and the forum. I added a tell-a-friend. A major addition has been a wallpaper on “The Passion of the Christ“. You can get it from here. I have also revamped the Freeware Archive. Changed to an easier to use but very good PaFileDB. Now the major work that remains is adding the programs to the archive, which I don’t think I will be doing for a few months at least! […]
[…]style with the updated version of Alex King’s Style Switcher, atleast until I can work on a new look. The original has now become […]
[…]16x writer (slow I know, but its HP and gives amazing performance) – innovate 16x DVD-ROM drive (new drive so it is going to stay for a while) – Mercury speakers (sooo…ooon to be replaced with 7.1) – Epson Stylus Color 460 printer (if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it) – Genius Vivid Pro 2 scanner (if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it) To be added soon: – Atleast 512Mb DDR RAM (couldn’t buy that because I had to fit the UPS into my budget) done 🙂 – Atleast 160Gb Serial ATA HDD (want to buy this so that I […]
[…]after we settled our bills at the guesthouse, we hired cabs and headed to what will become our new home. I hired a Meru cab, which is more easily available here in Bangalore than in Mumbai, where you struggle to find one. It was a nice comfortable journey. At the same time, my goods from Mumbai also arrived. Was a little irritated that the boxes weren?t plastic coated like they were supposed to be and one box had broken open. The bike handle was also bent a bit. Will have to get this fixed. First, I got to get the […]
Today, October 1, 2003. I just installed my new blog using WordPress. This is the start of a long-awaiting personal website. I am still thinking on a a name for the site, however, I wanted to create a semi-formal site and hence believe this blog will add the informality to my normally professional sites. I am not much of a writer, so I may be writing about once a week or whenever in the mood. Will close this short entry about now, as I not have to go to bed. There’s a long day ahead tommorrow (though it is already […]