Birthday Stories

I have been so very tied up with work that I haven’t even had time to blog about my birthday. Well, now that I have sat down for it, my birthday was last week 🙂

The birthday began on 15th August at 11.58pm itself when my office pal Abhijeet Jana called up to wish me.

Soon after he put down the phone James called up to wish me. Decided to go off to bed immediately after this and so switched my cell off. Well, I do have to get up everyday at 6am :O

Just as my eyes closed my land-line rang out loud breaking the silence of the night!

Picked it up to hear Madam A‘s voice in the distance asking me to open the door. On doing so I found her with James and Amita with a cool shirt for me. Wore it the next day to work 🙂

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Work was hectic as usual. Sat quietly in my seat to see how many remembered that it was my birthday (especially since I had been publicising it for a long time 😉 ). Few did! Those who did got their share of chocs.

Got a lot of calls during the day. Thanks everybody who remembered !!!

Left work as usual and headed straight home for a quiet dinner with my mom and brother. Mom had made chicken biryani (one of my favorites).

And that was the end of the day!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282

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