James’ birthday : A treat

Had choir practice yesterday evening.

Only a few turned up for practice. We had to practice for two masses, viz. the mass at Carmelite convent today (which was celebrated by Cardinal Ivan Dias) and the regular Sunday mass tomorrow.

James gave us a treat for his birthday which he celebrated on 11th.

Besides patties, chips and cold drink, he picked up a chocolate cake from Birdy’s and I just love chocolate cake 😀

Went to Carmelite monastery by 9am (early). Cardinal gave a sermon on Contemplative prayer (already know a bit about this).
The place was really packed with people and it sure was really hot!

Only James and I were there among the boys to sing, but I think we did a pretty good job between the two of us even though the Glory and Be Still and Know required the two of us to sing.

After mass Rhea came over to spend some time. We actually planned to go pick up tickets for Fantastic Four, but we dropped the idea. Went over to her place as her dad had some computer work, which ended a good day.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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