Is work a curse?

Came home really frustrated from work today. Not frustrated with what I do but with how much I am supposed to do.

I don’t think I can call it frustration. I guess it is just plain exhaustion. Anyway, I’m blabbering…

As I reached home my eyes fell upon Words of Hope Daily Reflections booklet for April, May and June 2005. Simply flicked it open and read this for April 4

The reflection is the passage from Genesis 3:17-19.

This really has lightened my spirits. I’m still tensed however as Genesis 3:19 says,

By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”

And here is the prayer from the April 4th entry.

Prayer: Lord, give us the courage to work, even in the face of difficulty.

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  1. Hi Ajay, how r u,

    This is Pawan from Delhi. How is life going in Aamchi Mumbai ??

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