Are you having troubles commenting?

I’ve been receiving a few reports lately about users having problem while writing comments on this blog.

These problems have been of two kind.

First being your comments landing in the spam bin. I am not sure why this has been happening. Also, it has been rare.

I’ve been going through the Spam comments anyway to check if any genuine comment has landed in there.

In case your comment does land up in the spam bin please do write to me and inform me of the same.

The second problem has been a “zero data received” or a “cannot find server” or similar error whenever you try to submit a comment.

This is more severe consequences. I’ve tracked down the problem to be a possibility that PHP is hitting its memory limit. I’ve arranged for the the memory limit to be increased, but I have not sure if the problem has been fixed for good.

Please do send me an email if you face this problem.

I’ve also upgraded the blog today to v2.0.5. In case you notice any errors please do let me know.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. I had some trouble commenting – after submitting the comment, I was taken to an empty page. If I click the refresh button, a message appears that the comment was submitted. Anyway all my comments were saved.

    Could be because I use coComment. But I noticed this issue on only this site.

  2. Hi Binny,
    I don’t think it is coComment. There is some problem with the blog when submitting a comment.

    Still working with my host in getting it sorted out. There is no sure shot solution. Tweaking settings here and there.

    Please do continue commenting and tell me if it repeats.

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