Category Jokes

The Flat Tire

One truck driver was doing his usual delivery to IMH (Institute of Mental Health) He discovered a flat tyre when he was about to go home. He jacked up the truck and took the flat tyre down. When he was…

Computer Terms

Personal Computer

State-of-the- art: Any computer you can’t afford. Obsolete: Any computer you own. Microsecond: The time it takes for your state-of-the- art computer to become obsolete. G3: Apple’s new Macs that make you say, “Gee, it’s three times faster than the…

Who is Jesus?

My good friend Sparx has maintained a steady stream of good emails. Here’s the latest one: There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black: 1. He called everyone brother 2. He liked Gospel 3. He didn’t get a fair…

English at its worst!

=========================================== “Wind is the window and let the air force come in” =========================================== Teacher asked one of his student when he was cooking… Teacher: Son, what are you constructing? Student: Sir, i am building food =========================================== Principal to student?”…

Life and Death

Last night my wife and I were sitting in the living room, talking about life… In-between, we talked about the idea of living or dying. I said to her: Darling never let me live in a vegetative state, totally dependent…

Signs of the Time

Advertisement In A Long Island Shop: Guitar, for sale……. Cheap……. …. no strings attached. Ad In Hospital Waiting Room: Smoking Helps You Lose Weight … One Lung At A Time! On a bulletin board: Success Is Relative. The more The…

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