Category Computers & Technology

How many domains do you own?

Came across this topic in the Performancing forums, which actually got me counting. I directly own the following domains: My Blog – My WordPress Blog – Support Forum – My Photo Gallery – Sir Conan Doyle…

In the top 100,000!

Just broke into the top 100,000 websites as per Alexa’s Traffic Rankings. I have been trying to achieve this for long and finally. I’m hoping this website gets a lot more popular and rises still further. Will be creating new…

50GB gone… :(

Well it’s gone and now it’s official. My earlier estimation of 20GB infact is 50GB. Well after three days of keeping it and trying out file recovery software, I came to the conclusion it wasn’t worth trying so hard as…

20Gb at risk

Decided to go ahead and merge two partitions of mine, one blank and one containing my huge collection of software and games totally over 30Gb! Unfortunately it threw up and error and before I knew it both the drives were…