Search results for "new year"

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New Website

After the closing down of DistantHost, I have been forced to shift to paid hosting. So that’s exactly what I have done. Bought a $40/yr package from after recommendations from friends at SurfUnion Also purchased the domain from GoDaddy for $8.75/yr Now all that remains is designing the site around it. This blog is also being shifted there as I post. I can use the space at Mg2 for some other site of mine 🙂 Will keep posting updates as the site […]

New WordPress Plugin: Top 10

Last week I gave you Contextual Related Posts and Moderation Author Notify. Have spent almost the whole of this week rewriting Mark’s original Top 10 plugin. And, that sure has been a rather interesting, frustrating and of course fulfilling journey in PHP in general and WordPress in particular and I still believe I’ve not even scratched the surface of PHP, SQL and WordPress! Anyway, I began with duplicating the original functionality of the plugin, however, ensuring that this strictly followed the latest Plugin API recommended by WordPress. So, a few things that were changed / added were: The table to […]

New WordPress Plugin: Add to Footer

Here’s one more plugin to my ever growing arsenal. Add to Footer is a simple plugin that allows you to automatically add text or HTML to you theme’s footer. The plugin provides you with a simple text box into which you can copy your the HTML into. As an additional feature, Add to Footer also comes inbuilt with support for Google Analytics, StatCounter, Reinvigorate and Apture. If you use any of these services, you can fill in the relevant details in the plugins options page and the plugin will add the necessary code for the same on your blog. These […]

New WordPress Plugin: Better Search

Though WordPress does provide users the ability to search your blog, it is highly limited in any features. Additionally, all it does is a simple search for the term and lists the post in descending order of their post dates. It may so happen that a user may not even find a relevant search result. This is where Better Search comes in. Weblog Tools Collection has an improved search system that allows users to search for posts based on their content and relevance. I’ve adapted the code by Mark into a plugin for easy installation on your WordPress blog. Better […] has a new look. Still need your suggestions

If you’re reading this in your feed reader, then hit this link now. I mentioned earlier that I moved this blog to Media Temple yesterday. However, on monitoring the same, I have realized that I am still not at optimum levels. I’m not really sure what the reason for the super high resource usage is, but it is usually the themes and the plugins. So, as a test, I have decided to change the theme in an attempt to find a really light one. One of my most read blogs is Weblog Tools Collection, and in a recent post, I […]
Read more » has a new look. Still need your suggestions

[New WordPress Plugin] Add to All

Add to All is a powerful plugin that will allow you to add custom code or CSS to your header, footer, content or feed. Add to All comes with out of the box support for Google Analytics, Statcounter, Kontera, with other third party services in the pipeline. With this plugin installed, you do not need to edit your theme files every time you switch themes. You can also add custom CSS styles to your header as well as any HTML code to the header or footer of the theme. The plugin gives you the power to add content to your […]

2004 in Retrospect

[…]got myself ill for the third time in two months. Still have a bad cough and I am going to sing for New Year:O Went off for a shave today and my barber asked me if I look back to 2004 with happiness or sorrow. Looking back, I can see that despite the downs in my life, I have had a great year. Have done really well academically, started of work in an amazing company, have made so many new friends (though I did lose many), watched an amazing amount of movies:O and generally had a ball of a time. […]

The December 2021 Reading Update

[…]or so. Post which I’ll jump back to the Reacher series to potentially finish that before the year end which should bring my total books read to 42. Probably worth starting next year with a target of 35 books. Have you read any of these? If not, what are you […]

Add to All v1.4.0

[…]year %month% – current month. Displayed as January to December %date% – today’s date %first_year% – year of first blog post. This is useful if you’d like to display a copyright notice to show the starting year For those who need more placeholders, you can creating a function filtering ata_placeholders. The filter accepts an array in this format: Detailed list of changes in Add to All v1.4.0 Features: Deleting the plugin on WordPress Multisite will remove the settings from all blogs Use %home_url%, %year%, %month%, %date% and %first_year% to display the URL for a given site, current year, current month […]

Reading update (Jan 2023)

[…]update. I finished 2022 with about 60 books or about double the target I set at the start of the year. This year I’ve set a target of 40 books and as we close out January, I’ve finished four books and am currently reading my 5th book. As I didn’t mention the 20 books that I read since August, I thought I’d use this post as a summary to update you on what I’ve been reading for the past 5 months. If you’ve been following my last few reading updates, you’ll know that I am a big fan of series […]